International Support

International support for the Berliner Tafel e.V. comes in many forms - through Volunteers, Donations, and Group Visits where everyone benefits from the mutual exchange of ideas.

Established in 1993, the Berliner Tafel is Germany’s oldest food rescue organization.
The Berliner Tafel collects unsold food from supermarkets and bakeries, sorts it and redistributes it to over 400 social programs and 49 food distribution points (LAIB und SEELE) throughout the city. Through our KIMBA program, we teach children the value of food and the benefits of good nutrition by offering vegetarian cooking classes to all of Berlin’s kids regardless of their parents’ income.

The Berliner Tafel reaches over 165,000 people every month - a third of which are children and young people – supplying 660 tons of donated food as a supplement to those in need. Our volunteers collect surplus goods from large supermarkets and small grocers as well as directly from manufacturers and farmers’ markets. The Berliner Tafel has a sorting and storage facility as well as office space at the „Berliner Großmarkt“ (Wholesale Food Market) situated in Moabit, Berlin, where every day more than 100 people work together to accomplish a multitude of tasks including the logistics of picking up donated food, sorting and crating it, and in turn redistributing it to those in need.

The Berliner Tafel operates without public funding and finances its mission through the many donations it receives from individuals and corporations alike. Whether it be through money transfers or a contribution in a donation box: Every cent helps! In addition, the Berliner Tafel is a registered association with over 2000 members, whose steady support through a minimum monthly fee of €2,75 makes the long-term planning of our projects feasible.

There are several ways to support the work of the Berliner Tafel: Through individual or group volunteering as well as donations and we are always grateful when our supporters share the word through various social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram.

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Telephone Contact
+49 (30) 68 81 50 03


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